DM&P Mity-Mite LT200


Save/Restore Parameters

LT200 will save some parameters in file. Network setting will be save by DSock library into DSOCK.CFG. We save the password and serial port parameters into DSOCK.CFG too. The configuration format is: one line one parameter,key=value set. This is a typical DSOCK.CFG:


We add new key & value sets: Password, UartBaudRate, UartParity, UartDataLength and UartStopBit.
You can see LoadSetup() of SYS.C of DSOCK_AP project to know how LT200 load the value. LT200 convert the string value to special value for easy to write parameters to UART.

Save parameters into file is more easy than load value from file. Just write the key & value sets in to file. All implementation are in SYS.C of DSOCK_AP project.

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